
FaithQuest 2010 - "Jesus as Provider"

This series is regarding the paintings 'performed' during Faith Quest 2010.  The weekend revolved around a movie theme and the speakers played with different characterizations of Jesus as found primarily in the Gospel of John.  This painting was painted while Jeff Medders spoke on 'Jesus as Provider.'

Friendship.  Jesus as the Provider… and what He provides is friendship.  That was the idea behind Jeff's talk - Jesus standing with the woman caught in adultery.  But how do you paint friendship?  I’m not sure I know (even after painting this image).  I went the route of something like a film still.  The moment pictured doesn’t say a whole lot on its own, but takes on more meaning as a reminder to those who know the whole story.  When you know the characters, who they are and what they’ve been through, then this benign image of a man and woman conversing in a friendly manner becomes more poignant. 

Abraham sending Hagar and Ishmael away by Rembrandt
The weird thing is painting Jesus in contemporary dress.  Rembrandt did that.  He painted Biblical scenes but all the characters were dressed like Rembrandt and his friends.  It doesn’t resonate as much with us because Rembrandt lived, like, 400 years ago.  But look at yourself in the mirror and picture Jesus and his Apostles dressed like that.  It makes it seem less serious to me.  It’s like his holiness doesn’t work unless He’s got His beard and robe.

But I thought I’d give it a go.  Jesus- short hair, t-shirt, no beard, and the woman caught in adultery- without a shawl.  Laughing together like good friends.

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