
on human interaction- part II

Here’s how I began my earlier post about E=mc2:

Paul admonishes us in Romans 12 to be 'transformed by the renewing of your mind.' It is with this goal in mind that I have sought to understand the basic tenets of quantum physics and Einstein's relativity. It has to do with our foundation of knowing. You see, we all see things from a particular perspective. We even see the Bible and God's instructions for our lives from our own perspective. So in order to 'renew my mind' and see God's word in a fresh light, I'm checking out other foundations of knowledge from which to see things. (Although truthfully, I'm starting to figure out that perhaps the best way is to not have any foundation, or perspective, at all- a really frightening thing when you think about it!)

When I went back to read it I surprised myself. I had forgotten some of the things I said- in particular the idea about having no foundation, no perspective. Back then the thought was scary. I had a tremor, a vague notion, half-formed but with enough shape to discern its most essential characteristic. But the uncertainty it engendered, coupled with the certainty that this was a radically different way of viewing things, made me anxious.

Because our platforms are our identities. Are you shy or outgoing? Optimistic or pessimistic? Are you a Teacher? Preacher? Lawyer? Doctor? 20-Something? 30-Something? Father? Mother? Are you kind? Do you have a bubbly personality? Are you intellectual? Are you artistic? Are you Republican? Democrat? Communist? Are you an Oregonian? Californian? Yankee? Southerner? Homebody? World Traveller? Do you like Hip Hop? Rock? Pop? Jazz? Prefer Spicy Foods? Meat and Potatoes? Vegetarian? Are you Organized? Are you a slob? Are you poor? Rich? Middle Class? Are you American? Are you...a Christian?

Can you imagine who you would be....without any of these?????????

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