

I'm a big fan of quantum physics. I'm not a math wizard (although I did well in high school, but you know, when you don't use it you lose it.) so I don't understand all the math of quantum physics, but I feel I'm beginning to get a handle on the ideas. "Why?" you ask? Because when you can wrap your brain, visually, around these 'new' ideas (new to most people but physicists have been pondering them for over a century) then I think it can change the way we act. Call it the 'Physics of Human Interaction.' Here's my premise:..... no wait. Let me back up.

"But if I go to a church that does things I don't agree with, aren't I sinning?" That question struck a death knell in my brain. It shattered my preconceptions of so-called 'conservatives' within the church. Up until then I merely 'wrote them off' as being narrow minded, sticking with tradition because 'that's the way it's always been done.' But in a church class that was discussing things such as the role of women in church- this question, asked in all sincerity, suddenly gave me a new perspective- their perspective. I saw things differently.

So here's my premise- if I want to change the way I act towards people, if I want to be more Christ-like, then I have to see things differently in my mind. And by seeing things, I'm primarily meaning seeing their implications. I think that is what is key with most 'issues'- it's not so much the issue itself, it's what the issue means in its broader implications. It's what bothered the person who posed the question above: if the church allows women to be more active, and I'm not sure that's right, but then still keep going to that church, then aren't I sinning? It's not the women (issue), it's my conscience (the implications).

At that brings me back to quantum physics. Many of the theoretical findings of this particular aspect of physics aren't too big of a deal at first thought- until you follow them through their implications. And that's what is unsettling. But that's also what makes them valuable for my purposes of seeing things differently. I figure if I can see things differently- in the quantum physics sense, and picture the implications, and wrap my brain around this new imagery, then I'll be able to see parallel aspects in the behavior of people, the effects that certain actions have and don't have. To see the implications of actions and issues in a new context, and be more comfortable with a way of behaving towards people (Christlike) even when that way doesn't seem to make sense ('foolishness to Greeks...').

So I plan on using my next few blogs working out some of the implications of quantum physics and applying them as a new conceptual model for treating people in a Christlike way. I hope you enjoy (and I hope the words Quantum Physics doesn't scare you off...)

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