
Richard Serra

I came to the realization that I haven't talked very much about art on this blog- which is my life's passion. So I've decided to do a small series on the artists that have affected me the most- not in any particular order though. So I'm starting with Richard Serra more because I found this about him on YouTube. He is absolutely amazing and if you get a chance to see any of his works- especially his large scale Torqued Ellipses, Spirals, or Toruses and Spheres- I think you'll be extremely blessed by the experience (especially as you focus on the experience- the physical sensation of walking through 'bizarrely shaped' spaces). On a side note, I laugh at myself for having incredibly long posts so I found it all too amusing to post an hour-long video. For what it's worth, I found some of the best info from about minutes 12-18, stuff around minutes 25-30, and the last 10-15 minutes to be more enlightening. Otherwise, grab the popcorn....