I was tagged by Ike Graul a long time ago- sorry I've been slow on the uptake.
*Note: Most questions were in the singular, but I'm not an either/or kinda guy so I changed the questions to the plural to reflect my both/and-edness(!?)
Books that changed my life besides the Bible:
Tom Peter's The Circle of Innovation, Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and Rudolph Arnheim's Art and Visual Perception.
Books I’ve read more than once:
Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant, the Harry Potter series (read twice with wife, currently on round three with my kids), Norman Mailer's Picasso
A book I would take with me if I were stuck on a desert island:
SAS Survival Handbook: How to Survive in the Wild, in Any Climate, on Land or at Sea
(Ok- I copied that answer from Ike, seemed like a wise choice)
Books that made me laugh:
Any and all Calvin and Hobbes books
A book that I wish had been written:
Upcoming Winning Lottery Numbers
Books that I wish had never been written:
trashy romance novels
Books I’ve been meaning to read:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Cost of Discipleship
Richard Foster Prayer
F.F. Bruce Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free
(I think I've started each of these at least once, some twice, but haven't made it through them yet.)
I’m currently reading:
(See reading list on the left.)
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